Repair for Hot Water Tanks

With the years of experience gathered by Lakeville Water Heater Experts, it’s proven that a couple of parts replacement in the water heater heating element can resolve what you once thought was a hard nut. Although we strongly recommend our client to get a replacement if the water heater is above 13 years.
Safety, safety, safety is our watchword, irrespective of what the moment demands, be it a repair, installation, maintenance, or replacement. To this effect, the circuit breaker is tripped off. Subsequently, the high-temperature cut off is reset. In most cases, resetting the temperature cut off can fix the problem of slow heating. If this doesn’t pan out, then a proper check is carried out on the water heater cut-off. If the cut out is tripped off, then there is a higher possibility of an electrical fault.
Testing Heating Elements
Most conventional water heaters are power by electrical energy. There are instances when your hot water tank no longer heats up as fast as it used too. Sometimes, it could be that your heater runs out of hot water than the usual time frame, or your hot water system does not function as normal.
With the years of experience gathered by Lakeville Water Heater Experts, it’s proven that a couple of parts replacement in the water heater heating element can resolve what you once thought was a hard nut. Although we strongly recommend our client to get a replacement if the water heater is above 13 years.
Safety, safety, safety is our watchword, irrespective of what the moment demands, be it a repair, installation, maintenance, or replacement. To this effect, the circuit breaker is tripped off. Subsequently, the high-temperature cut off is reset. In most cases, resetting the temperature cut off can fix the problem of slow heating. If this doesn’t pan out, then a proper check is carried out on the water heater cut-off. If the cut out is tripped off, then there is a higher possibility of an electrical fault.
Testing Heating Elements
Before a test is carried out on the hot water heating element. We ensure the source of power supplies are off. Then the circuit breaker is located on the electrical panel while the water heater is still off. We take off the cover that protects the water heater heating element, and thermostats.
Most conventional water heaters are built with one or two heating elements. One of the elements is located on the upper part of the tank, while the other is placed underneath the tank. Both of these elements are attached to a different thermometer, to aid temperature regulation.
We use a continuity tester to check of the entire circuit is complete by checking the current in both elements. The insulation and plastic cover located at the side of your water heater is used to create a direct connection with the alligator clip. We connect both ends of the element terminals to the clip. If your water heater has an element that’s burned out, then the continuity bulb won’t light.
How we Change the Burnt-Out Element in Your Water Heater
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